
Hi, I'm Xinpeng Wang (王 欣芃 ワン シンペン)! I was born in Hefei and raised in Shanghai. I did my undergraduate studies in Tongji University.
I'm now a D1 student in Kavli IPMU, working under the guidance of Profs. Misao Sasaki (UTokyo, Kavli IPMU and APCTP), Masahiro Takada (UTokyo, Kavli IPMU) and Ying-Li Zhang(Tongji U).
During my graduate study, I'm trying to understand the connection between the theory of the very early universe and the observation within the reach of humankind. For example, I would love to explore the questions like "What is dark matter made up of?", "How much we can tell about the inflationary universe by current/upcoming observations?", "What are the sources of the gravitational waves?"
Here are my some of my topics of interest:
- Inflation and Primordial Cosmological Perturbations
- Gravitational Wave from Primordial Sources
- Black Hole Dark Matter
- Particle Dark Matter
Please find my publications in Inspirehep if you are interested in!
I'm hosting an interesting weekly physics salon called "random discussion" with my colleagues. You can find some records of the discussion in Random Discussion.Meanwhile, I'm a Maximalist. I'm keen on any form of arts (Music, Painting, Photography, Calligraphy...). I'm currently studying "ikebana (生花)" under the guidance of Prof. Yukari Ito.